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WordPress is an open source blog application. WordPress forked from b2/cafelog in 2003, and WordPress MU multiple website functionality has been integrated since 2010. Today...

Map Your Domain to Blogger

Mapping your domain is an important part of; it reinforces the idea that you don’t necessarily need to host all your own applications. You...

Map Your Domain to Tumblr

Mapping your domain is an important part of; it reinforces the idea that you don’t necessarily need to host all your own applications. You...

What is Domain Mapping?

Domain mapping, simply put, is deciding where visitors should be directed when they visit various pieces of your website. Domains and subdomains can be mapped...

What is DNS?

Remember back before everyone had computers that fit in their pocket, how companies would ship a book full of phone numbers to your doorstep? We...

Subdomains vs. Subdirectories

When you’re first getting started with a new space on a new Web host, you might think of yourself as owning a small “territory” of...

Setting Up Subdomains

A subdomain is one way of organizing and separating content on your site. To create a subdomain, use the following steps: Login to with...

Setting Up FTP

There may be times when you need to place files onto your space on your Web server. There are a number of scenarios when this...